The Advantages of Employing Intent Data In B2B Marketing

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Vikas Bhatt
The Advantages of employing Intent Data in B2B Marketing

Businesses are constantly seeking methods to get a competitive advantage in sales and marketing. If there was data available that could provide you with not only qualified prospects, but also in-market account information that was continuously researching or in the purchasing process of your product, you could not only make your marketing efforts more efficient, lower your operational costs, and improve your convebrsion. This is where B2B intent data might come in handy to reach your target audience.

What Is the Source of Intent Data?

Intent data originates from a variety of digital sources, including tracking important intent search keywords via website cookies.

A subscriber’s intent is then assessed in terms of subject and context to help construct a more clear image, and when this score improves, a prospective lead is discovered. Intent data can be classified into two categories:

source of intent data - The Advantages of Employing Intent Data In     B2B Marketing
Source Of Intent Data

First-Party Intent Data

First-party intent data is all about developing optimal use of the information available from your own website and CRM applications. This allows a firm to analyze purchase signals from website visitors.

Data can be mined by tracking the pages on your website that a prospect has settled on, the successive links they have clicked on, and the time spent on your website. Because there is no name associated with this b2b intent data collection, it is referred to as ‘anonymous.’ Furthermore, behavioral data can also be monitored using contact forms on your website.

Third-Party Intent Data

Third-party data is where everything can become very fascinating, because it allows you to collect predictive behavioral data from other websites. That means a prospect who isn’t aware of your company doesn’t have to visit your website for you to discover that they’re interested in acquiring a product or solution similar to yours.

When you combine these two techniques, as well as the capability to evaluate website visits, what content is being viewed, downloads, white-papers, and other metrics, you can actively monitor when a user’s engagement in a particular matter surges. Accordingly, you can instruct your marketing and sales staff about the same once the data is compiled and ready to use.

Read More: What Is Intent Data and How It Can Help Your Company?

Effective ways that intent data can improve your marketing efforts

Improve Marketing Efforts With Intent Data -  The Advantages of Employing Intent Data In     B2B Marketing
Improve Marketing Efforts With Intent Data

The demand for B2B sales and marketing teams to achieve desired outcomes is going up. With the majority of pre-purchase research taking place online, it is becoming extremely challenging to grab people’s attention and have your views addressed. Benefits of integrating B2B intent data into your marketing plan may improve your marketing campaign in a variety of ways:

1. Break Through The Noise

At any certain moment, only a small fraction of any prospective market will be engaged in the buying process, particularly for costly B2B products. Focusing your efforts on businesses that have already visited your website or begun inquiries into your area of specialty provides you with a significant advantage over competing brands who are adopting a more broad strategy. This enhances conversion along with the quality and efficiency of your marketing.

Must Read: Best B2B Intent Data Providers

2. Target A Probable Customer Sooner In The Purchasing Process

Knowing when a potential customer is investigating your product allows you to reach out and get in front of them early in the purchase process. This might offer you an advantage over your competing firms and help bridge the gap between them selecting your product or theirs.

This also allows sales teams to initiate the process of lead nurturing throughout the customer’s pipeline journey and purchase stage. Individually tailored communications can be even more customized and accurate to the prospect if their intent data is collected from the beginning.

3. Identify Possible Leads, Even If They Haven’t Encountered You Yet.

Someone somewhere is now investigating a product or solution similar to yours, but they are not doing so on your website. We can leverage B2B intent data to track these research surges and inform your sales and marketing teams using contemporary lead scoring methodologies. They can embark their magic in the direction of B2B lead generation and, ultimately, schedule a sales meeting.

4. Prioritization of the leads

Intent data is ideal for enhancing your lead scoring model, allowing you to emphasize incoming qualified leads (Marketing qualified or Sales qualified) based on how interested a prospect is on your website. Has anyone spent a significant amount of time on your popular sites? Have they reverted several times but have been unable to contact your sales force? You may begin to categorize user engagement and focus on your marketing strategies accordingly.

5. Tailored outreach

Customizing your campaign allows you to target your audience effectively. By leveraging intent data for lead generation, you can gain vaprosluable insights into the specific interests and buying journeys of your ideal customers. This allows you to craft highly relevant messaging that resonates with prospects who are currently investigating topics related to your offerings.

As a result, a prospect is considerably more likely to read that email or call if it is about a topic they are actively researching, and your sales staff will be prepared with pertinent information to assist them in converting.

Only by knowing your potential customers’ purchasing behaviors you can begin to add accuracy and quality to your marketing efforts. You should spend less time pursuing dead leads and more time acquiring genuinely engaged prospective buyers.

When implemented as part of your marketing plan and combined with your own professional experience, B2B intent data has the potential to position you in front of the appropriate leads at the perfect time with accurate, focused, and unique content. Learn more about our B2B intent data analytic techniques by going through the blogs and content we have on our website. 

Must Read: Predictive Modeling done better with the Purchase Intent Data

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