5 Step Process To Make Content Syndication Work For Demand Generation

Content syndication is a fantastic content marketing tool for demand generation. It gives your content legs to walk in front of millions of people, out which a few lakhs would be your potential buyers.

But, how do we do it? What content syndication network should I use? How do I choose a content syndication network to achieve the desired results? 

In this post, we will discuss 5 steps to ensure that your demand generation campaign is making the most of content syndication benefits

If you are looking for free content syndication, you can read our post on beginners guide to free content syndication.  

1. Define parameters for your demand generation campaign

Before you dive into using content syndication for demand generation, determine your target audience for the campaign. While you can always run generalized campaign, we advise you against it.

It WILL hamper your conversion rates because you will have a pool of data (not necessarily of your target buyer). However, if you are running a targeted content syndication lead generation campaign (which is also comparatively costlier), you can skyrocket your conversions

Exactly why it is expensive! Let’s take an example of a generalized campaign. You are an IT company who wants to market an ebook on cloud computing. Now, this will attract all types of companib2b es who want to use cloud computing.

But, does that help you? No. Instead, you should market your ebook, to small businesses who are starting out and want to learn about the benefits or challenges of cloud computing. 

Understanding how content syndication works is crucial for crafting targeted campaigns. Reputable syndication platforms often allow you to specify your target audience demographics and interests, ensuring your content reaches the most relevant viewers or readers, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

This is where a buyer persona comes handy. You can detail the industry, company size, job title or designation etcwhich will get you one step closer to qualified leads. 

While the campaign can be as broad or narrow as you want, you need to remember that content syndication partners charge a higher amount for customized questions.   

Now, we have a secret to share. Come closer?

While it may sound enticing to use customized questions, a lot of marketers don’t. They like to get minimum information from these partners and then append the data themselves. This saves us tons of money.  

Must Read: 29 Content Syndication Articles to Help You Become a Content Syndication Guru

2. Select your content

Select your demand generation content in line with your set parameters. For this, you need answer a few questions  

  • What is your highest performing content?
  • Will this content interest your target audience?
  • Will this content be too specific for people who do not know existence of your products? etc.

Consider the potential of video content syndication as well. Video content can be particularly engaging and informative, making it a great choice for attracting new audiences and generating leads.

3. Choose the right syndicating partner

Oh yes, it is easy to say that. But, we will tell you exactly what to look for

1. Ask the most relevant questions 

  • Who is your audience? What percentage of your audience overlaps with my target audience?
  • How do you ensure that prospects generated match the given criteria?
  • How do you ensure the quality of the shared data?
  • Could you share statistics on conversion rates from campaigns executed before?

2. Due diligence

You cannot trust the data shared by the content syndication networks alone. They are unlikely to share data that results in loss of business. So, gather data on

  • Traffic such as daily views, backlinks, etc. For this purpose, you can use the free version of SEMrush.
  • Check for any unethical issue against the partner. Use Better Business Bureau and Scam Advisor to get this data.

3. Reference check

Talk to one of their earlier clients if you want to be super sure of the quality. Try and understand  

  1. Quality of data. For example, the percentage of leads that met their MQL or SQL standards
  2. How receptive were they towards accepting returned leads?
  3. What percentage of leads did they return?

4. Know exactly how and where they will syndicate

Content Syndication Networks has different ways and places they syndicate. A few of them involve email marketing, paid ads, partner sites and communities using Linkedin.

Understanding these B2B content syndication strategies will help you choose a network that aligns with your goals.

So, you want to be absolutely clear about what they will do with your content. If they are syndicating on a partners website, ensure that the snippet of your content, logo or any other relevant information you want to be displayed is showed appropriately. 

When visitors share details to get access to content, the publisher will collect the data and share the details with you (mostly in the form of spreadsheet).  

5. Have a lead verification system in place

You need to ensure that the data provided by the media partner is accurate and non-repetitive (i.e. you don’t already engaging that lead) before you merge it into your CRM. 

In nutshell, you need to ensure the quality of data at your end too. Having a data validation software works wonders! Discuss with your sales and marketing team how they want to handle the data. Do they want to

  • process it manually and sync it in batches
  • Allow the partner to install an API for direct synchronization of data; or
  • Invest in data validation software to ensure quality and standardization before they can engage the prospect

Must Read: Weighting Content Syndication and Plagiarism

6. Don’t cut to the chase

We know, it is very tempting to be able to just SELL. It is highly unlikely that the leads are sales ready. Think of them as the top of the funnel leads and nurture them accordingly.

Keep a track of their journey and take baby steps. In terms of pricing, content syndication tools run on a cost per lead basis. It can cost anywhere between $8 – $40 per lead depending on the customization.

That means, each time a prospect fills out a form to access your content you will be charged.

Are you planning to put the process in action? Do you think we missed on something? Let’s talk about it in the comments section.

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