How to Find Places to Syndicate Your Content?

Content syndication can help you boost visitors quickly. Literally, quickly. Your website traffic could suddenly look like this –   

For those of you who do not know what content syndication is, it is a process of re-publishing your content on third-party sites (who have a large following, for example, The Huffington Post or TNW etc). You can read more about it   

a. Beginners Guide To FREE Content Syndication  

b. B2B Content Syndication Strategies

c. 5 Step Process To Make Content Syndication Work For Demand Generation   

But, how to find the right places to syndicate your content? How and where do we look for it? In this post, we are going to answer exactly this.  

What should you know before you start finding a place for syndicating your content?

i. Your target audience

It is important to know who you are trying to reach with your content. Meaning, you cannot hope to generate qualified leads (Marketing qualified or Sales qualified) if you syndicate your content on a website in a different niche. For example, syndicating a technology piece with lifestyle websites.  

ii. Best content piece

Select the best written and popular (the one which drives most traffic) content piece to syndicate.

iii.  Understand techniques

You have three major options –  

  • Free content syndication services
  1. LinkedIn Publisher
  2. Slideshare
  3. Medium
  4. Hubpages
  5. Quora
  • Paid service or content syndication networks
  1. Taboola
  2. Outbrain
  3. Zemanta
  • Bookmarking websites, RSS, and others
  1. Reddit
  2. StumbleUpon
  3. Tumblr

Now that we understand the top 3 options for syndicating your content, lets discuss how should you find places.

  1. Search Google for list-type content pieces

This is a no-brainer. You can find list-type content pieces online that have collated all the places where you can syndicate your content, showcasing the benefits of content syndication by allowing you to reach a wider audience and potentially generate more leads and sales.

If a simple Google search isnt fetching the desired results, try the advanced search feature of Google. Below the search bar and on the right side, you will find settings and tools.

Click on Tools and select Advanced Search. You can be very specific with your searches here. I tried with these values and landed quite a few good resources that lists places where you can syndicate your content.

2. Look for complete guides

Similarly, you can also find guides and 101s to content syndication.These resources often delve into strategies specifically geared towards content syndication lead generation.

They usually list out the most popular tools and websites to syndicate your content. We have made your task easier by collating the best articles available online which talk about content syndication.

3. Look for websites that accept guest posts

If you are looking to guest post on niche websites, it is best to search niche + write for us on Google. You will find a list of websites that are open to accepting content from others.   

For example, if you are looking to publish content on digital marketing, you can search for digital marketing + write for us. This is what Google will give you   

If you are not keen on guest posting, you can make a list of all the websites from this Google search and browse their content to see if they will be open to syndicating content, or explore video content syndication as another means to reach a wider audience.

And, how do you do that?   You are looking for a line which basically states that it was originally published somewhere else or have an attribution. Like this –  

According to Neil Patel,   

You can also search for terms, like originally appeared on, within a site  this will gather all of the syndicated content in the search engine results. So, to know if Lifehacker is open to content syndication, well look for originally appeared on. The following screenshot confirms that Lifehacker is indeed open to content syndication   

Source: Neil Patel

4. Assess where your competitors have syndicated content

Arthur Weiss, managing director of UK-based Aware, says that keeping an eye on competitor moves helps businesses gain competitive intelligence. “”You can then plan your own strategies so that you keep your customers and win (not steal) customers away from competitors.  

  • Set up Google Alerts: 
  • “”We keep alerts for ourselves but also for all of our competitors to know what they are up to,””
  •  saysMohnot. You should set an alert for your company to know if anyone has mentioned it.
  • Social media – You can pick up a lot of information from your competitor’s social media. Monitoring tweets, Facebook posts, blogs, and other mentions is an easy, cost-effective way to know where they have been published.
  • Analyzing the backlinks of your competitors is one of the best ways to find websites where they have syndicated content. Go beyond Google search and invest in tools that help you analyze backlinks. These are a few tools –  
  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush
  • Majestic SEO
  • Open Site Explorer
  • SEO spyglass
  • Backlink Watch
  • Link Diagnosis

You can simply Google on how to use these tools and select the best one for your needs. Here are a few articles to help you out  fre

  • 7 Actionable Ways to Loot Your Competitors Backlinks
  • 9 Free Backlink Checker Tools To Check Competitors Backlinks
  • How to Spy Out Your Competitors Backlink Profile and Gain 20% More Links to Your Site

5. Public Relations platforms that collate information

These websites are a directory of information on websites and media platforms that are open to content syndication.   

A few you can use are  


  How to find more?   

You can use I put in public relations in the search and it gave me these results (including the ones mentioned above)

6. Search for WordPress plugins that make syndication easy and submitting content to RSS

In our blog post, we mentioned that one of the fastest growing methods for enhancing a web sites traffic and syndicating content for MarTech experts is to submit your RSS feed to the top-ranked RSS feed directories and search engines. You can find a list here.   You can also find a list of WordPress plugins that will help you with syndicating content. Here are a few articles that will help you  

  • 10 free and premium content syndication plugin for WordPress
  • 10 best content syndication tools

There you go.   

You know everything about searching the right place to syndicate your content.  

Which ones are you going to put in practice? Lets talk about it in the comments section.

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