18 Best 2018 B2B Lead Generation Strategies For Marketers

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Vikas Bhatt
18 Best 2018 B2B Lead Generation Strategies For Marketers

“Have you yet planned your best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies? Well if you have not until now then you should probably know that when it comes to B2B lead Generation, 2018 is going to become the lifeblood of modern sales process. With loads of strategies to choose from, it has become very challenging for businesses to survive the competition. After going through almost hundreds of websites and research on how to plan your B2B lead generation strategies we have come up with 19 best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies for marketers to strengthen their B2B lead generation. We know these lead generation strategies WILL come handy for you.

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1. Increase the frequency of publishing the content

Content helps to give you some authority and credibility. Focusing on the very fact creating and increasing the frequency of content publishing can give you a better visibility along with reliability. This is one of the most important points to keep your eyes on among the best 2018 B2B lead generation Strategies. Publishing valuable and insightful content in a good frequency positions you as a thought leader in your niche, making you a trustworthy resource for businesses that are ready to purchase. So, make sure this year you pitch your frequency right.

2. CXOs need to Increase their personal network

79% of B2B marketers say that social media is an effective source for lead generation. According to Alex Rynne, studies also show that 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn. 2018 is going to be extremely important for marketers, thus all you need in your strategy is to increase personal networking! Send personalized connection request messages to prospective customers. Add more connections to your network through social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and various forums to get best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies. Go tell your boss the right way!

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3. Focus those social media that work

Whom are you catering to? Where are your target audience? What are their interest, their age and where do they spend more time? If you have your answer, then stop wasting your time where you might get less leads. Needless to say that social media marketing is no more option but a must-have in your best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies if you are eager to get more leads in your pipeline. Try not to ride on multiple boats at same time – focus on boat that will take you to places. Choose now!

4. Quality over Quantity – always!

As a B2B Lead Generation company, that is what we do here – rely on quality over quantity, and thus we get better results. What we all need is to create an authentic and a relevant audience, to a certain extent what we slip out of our mind that creating a quality content rather than quantity content is what engages and entices a relevant audience. When a prospect clicks on your landing page, this may be your one opportunity to convert them into a lead. A quality content creates a more professional and to the point approach than just a lengthy content with less value. Lead Generation Technique To Boost Sales Funnel

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5. Create engaging and trending content

The secret to persuading the audience rests in the way you have drawn the blueprints of your content. Depending upon two significant aspects you can easily identify whether your content is compelling enough to engage the reader or not: 1. Drafting of your content 2. Selling point of content Always make sure you draft your content in such a way that even if the reader is not interested in reading the whole thing, he/she at least gets the points that are important in your content. Content is the core of anything marketing strategy creating engaging and trending content is one of the best B2B Lead generation strategies.

6. Host (more) webinars

The first stage in marketing/sales process is making sure the prospect knows who you are (awareness) and is interested in learning more about the value you could provide (attraction).  Hosting more webinars create awareness as well as attraction giving your more sign-ups that can be possible leads. Along with social media post and other marketing strategies Webinars are proven to be great mediums for creating awareness among the audience. It does promote the host, but that is a win-win situation for you always.

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7. Are you into Drip Marketing?

Creating long emails containing multiple topics is a great way of segregating your prospects. This strategy will give you a better idea about the interests of your prospects. Adding drip marketing as one of your best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies this year can bring a massive visible difference in your understanding of prospect, giving you better clarity to close your leads. 

8. You can’t skip video marketing on LinkedIn

The best example would be Gary Vaynerchuk’s videos on LinkedIn. Adding text below so that it would be easy for his followers to just watch him speak even without the audio – is just a great way to market. Marketers like Gary fins more innovative ways to attract audiences, thus making a video as a meaningful part of the strategic conversation. After watching a video on LinkedIn, 64% of users are more likely to convert into a customer – and such videos act as a magnet placed between the customers. Adopt what Gary is doing, because video marketing on LinkedIn being one of the best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies, you can’t skip it. 

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9. Broaden your niche

If everyone starts thinking like a businessman, they can never become an entrepreneur – Steve Jobs is a true example of how he demonstrated his product close to the heart of the consumer. He broadened his marketing plan to for his product to fit in a niche where consumers feel a non-regret delight with his products. Do not narrow down your niche! Broadening your niche gives a wide scope to reach an added audience. For better SEO results try not too slender down your keywords, hashtags, and reaches. This year marketers are focusing more broadening niche and narrowing down the prospects for nurturing to acquire best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies.

10. Be personal to queries on social media

66% of marketers notice lead generation benefits by spending as little as 6 hours a week on social media, according to Social Media Examiners. This as a channel makes social media a rapidly growing top ways to reach your targeted audience. Personalizing the replies to queries on social media personal chats as well as posts creates a good relationship between the customer and your brand. This increases your brand visibility among your audience as well. Your Best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies must be drafted keeping this in mind.

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11. Make UI mobile friendly

This is an era of BYOD with firm-level security for every employee. CXOs, on the other hand, rely on techs that are easy to carry and use thus making smart smartphones other handy devices their priority. Optimize and make your website more mobile friendly to give your users hassle free experience is what you should start first from the list of best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies you pin down. We bet, your audience is at least 40% from mobile if you are into B2B.

12. Keep doing A/B test with paid campaign

A/B testing with paid campaigns is what gives you clarity about the success rate of your campaigns. Keep testing new strategies and ideas to find the best fit to keep that campaign in the bucket of best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies. Trial and error is a method used by all and utilized by less. What you need to do is utilize and make the best out of your worst results.

13. Are your website visitors relevant for you?

If you want to generate B2B leads make sure you are not generating B2C leads. If you start measuring your relevant audience rate you will come to know the exact number of visitors that are actually your prospects and the number of visitors which are of no use. Regardless to the number of visitor you have, you need to track down the number of relevant visitors. The campaigns that you design should have your niche-related content, and then promote to the audience that matters most. Go to social media that work, remember?

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14. Be prompt in clearing queries

In your Best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies this year, this strategy should be at the rim of your checklist. By the end of 2017, marketers are utilizing features like Live Chats, Social Media, Emails, LinkedIn personal messages and other ways to create better communication channels for the users. And to maintain this you need to be very quick, prompt and personal.

15. Start analyzing Social Media sentiments

Do you know what are people talking about you? Sentiment Analysis is the measurement of audience’s satisfaction level for your product and/or your brand. Start with getting in touch with people who are positive for you, and try to resolve queries of those who are not. With social media trends changing all the time, it’s important to stay up-to-date about new tools and concepts to track down and analyze social media sentiments.

Must Read: B2B Lead Generation Strategies: Ways To Drive Leads And Grow Your Business

16. Follow top lead generation experts

You should be an expert in Google Search Commands, LinkedIn Advanced Search, and Advanced Twitter Search to search for the. Make sure you are aligned and connected with the top lead generation experts to know the latest tricks and trends. Increase your reach and follow-up with as many lead generation experts as possible. Try this out once.

17. Improve your LVR (Lead Velocity Rate)

Calculating Lead Velocity Rate is one of the best ways to keep a check on your productivity. LVR can be simply calculated and is a way of comparing your current month qualified lead scores to the one month before it. It is a metric that you can use to clearly predict not only future revenue, but LVR will act as an important piece of information to help with your long-term marketing and product strategies.

18. Join these LinkedIn groups. Now!

Now. Because if it might take time for them to accept your request. Also, you cannot send too many group requests at a go. These LinkedIn groups could be your one-stop shop for Lead Generation.

  1. Digital Marketing: Social Media, Search, Mobile & more
  2. On Startups – The Community For Entrepreneurs
  3. Marketing, Sales, Social Media and PR Innovators Innovation Network by InnovationTraining.com
  4. Executive Suite
  5. Harvard Business Review
  6. Social Media Today

Mapping your growth in B2B lead generation is what gives you better idea about the growth ahead! Learn about few of best growth hacks of passing year 2017 by @becca_matiashttps://t.co/DCcK15JtQc #GrowthHacks #B2BLeadGen #LeadGeneration #CompetitionInTheMarket #MapYourGrowth” Only B2B (@Onlyb2b) December 29, 2017

Analyze yourself

Now that we have shared with you 19 Best 2018 B2B lead generation strategies, you can evaluate and analyze your lead generation strategies for this year: 1-6: If you are already following at least 6 strategies out the ones we have lined up here than you definitely need to boost your lead generation strategies for this year. This is serious and you as a marketer cannot afford to lose these new lead generation strategies that. 7-12: With 7-12 strategies in your bucket you are for sure getting a hang of it – even though that is not enough to get you going far. Look for the strategies you are missing on and get them in your bucket ASAP. 13-19: Do us a favor with a and drop a comment below to add more b2b lead strategies you have in mind for us, and we will add them.

Must Read: Difference Between Lead Generation And Appointment Setting With Benefits.

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