Why Is Content Syndication called The New SEO?

Written by

Vikas Bhatt

Why Is Content Syndication called The New SEO

What the hell? How can content syndication be the new SEO? They are not even close!  

 Confused? Clickbait? 

NEITHER!  We are advocates of content syndication and there are strong reasons why we call it the new SEO.   

Before that, honestly, tell us one thing –   Have ever heard yourself or the C-suite say  

  • I have done everything SEO-related on my website, why isn’t it working?
  • Why is quality link building so difficult?
  • Why is no one reading my blog posts?
  • Justify your marketing budget etc

 Sometimes, at the least? We are sure!   

B2B content syndication strategies are becoming increasingly important for businesses looking to boost their SEO efforts. By strategically placing your high-quality content on relevant industry publications and websites frequented by your target audience, content syndication can help you achieve the same results and exploit the benefits of traditional SEO at a comparatively faster pace.

However, it’s important to remember that content syndication is not a replacement for SEO. It acts as a powerful supplement to your overall SEO strategy. You need to focus on both to get the best results.

Note: Please note that every marketing strategy takes time. When we say faster pace, we are talking in comparative terms.   

In this post, we will discuss why content syndication is the new SEO and how it will help your business.  

Must Read: Everything you need to know about content syndication

1. Rank higher with right keywords and drive traffic

Using relevant keywords is prerequisite to any SEO strategy. However, it takes time to get indexed and rank for a keyword if you are just starting out. Right?  Content syndication gives you a way out of this. If you have created in-depth content for the right platform and with the right keywords, you can exploit the benefits of the content syndication partners SEO strategy.   

Lets say, you are a startup blog. You are building up your credibility, backlinks or domain authority from scratch. Meaning, there are minute chances of ranking higher on search engines.   

On the other hand, your article has higher chances of ranking on page 1 of Google, if you are syndicating on The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur or like.

They have already established credibility, have high authority backlinks and hence, a higher domain authority. These websites can drive huge amounts of referral traffic to your website.   

According to Neil Patel, When we started republishing content from the Kissmetrics blog on sites like Entrepreneur and Search Engine Journal, we saw the referral traffic pick up (we got almost 9,492 visitors a month) This exemplifies how content syndication works.

By placing your content on relevant websites with established audiences, you gain exposure to a wider pool of potential visitors, even if your own website doesn’t rank on the first page of search results.

This is all about ranking higher, what if you don’t rank high? We understand. Not every piece of content can rank on page 1.

If your content does rank on first few pages of Google, you will have the benefit of organic traffic as well as the traffic that syndicating partner gets every day.   

If you don’t rank higher, you will still have the benefits of being found on the website by their regular audience. For an example, your SEO expert syndicates your content on a website with 10000 views and even if 50% of the visitors click on your website.

At the end of the day, you have 5000 views. Isn’t it fair to say content syndication is the new SEO?

Source: Wordstream

2. Quality Backlinks and domain authority

We already touched upon this in


Content syndication allows you to point towards your websites from authoritative websites. If one of your SEO goals is to boost page rankings using backlinks, content syndication can help.

It is a white hat strategy that works well if your syndicating partner allows dofollow backlinks.   According to Moz, links to a site are treated like votes to the site/page.

The quality, quantity, and context of the links from one page to another are used by search engines in classifying and ranking a page.   

Along with this, quality backlinks also helps in establishing credibility and domain authority. Most search engines give weightage to other websites that link to your page or site as a whole (backlinks). 

To put it extremely simply: If the only sites that link to your blue widget site are blogs that no one else on the Web has linked to, and my blue widget site gets links from trusted places that are linked to frequently, like CNN.com, my site will be more trusted (and assumed to be higher quality) than yours.   

But, what about duplication issues? You have the exact same copy on another page, Google doesn’t penalize it?!   In order to avoid any duplication issues, it is a good practice to include a link to your original content.In the screenshot below, you will see this particular advice from Google: Linking to the original article not only gives attribution but also shows search engines that this is just another version.   

It is safe to say that content syndication can be considered as the new SEO. 

Must Read: Content syndication platforms you must need to know

3. Quantifiable ROI

SEO is liked by all marketers because it provides trackable and quantifiable results. SEO marketers can track traffic and conversions.   

Content syndication, on the other hand, provides you with the same benefit. It’s trackable and quantifiable, allowing you to measure the return on investment (ROI) of your content syndication campaigns in terms of traffic, leads, sign-ups, referring source, and more. This means you can see the tangible results of your content being distributed on high-traffic platforms.

I gained over 600 subscribers from the Lifehacker version and I didn’t have to put in any additional work writing a new article.

Do you get what we are pointing at? Content syndication, including video content syndication, is definitely the new SEO strategy!

4. Cost-effectiveness

SEO is preferred by marketers and businesses because it automates traffic. You don’t have to rely heavily on marketing and advertising.  Content syndication gives you similar benefits.

Syndicating content with high authority domains will help you rank higher and drive crazy amounts of referral traffic. If you end up ranking on page 1 or 2 of Google, it is a pot filled with gold. Also, such content syndication is free of cost.

Must Read: Beginner’s guide to free content syndication

5. Brand Awareness

One of the major benefits of SEO is brand awareness. It enables you to be discovered by more and more people and you boost the chances of conversions which lead to sales.   

Brand awareness cannot be achieved quickly but content syndication can help you spread awareness about your existence by tenfold.   

Since your content is syndicated on authoritative websites, existing readers (and potential buyers) start recognizing you.   

There you go.This is why we call content syndication the new SEO. However, it’s important to understand that content syndication offers another key advantage: content syndication lead generation.

By strategically placing your content with calls to action and capturing leads through forms or gated content downloads, you can turn that brand awareness into a pipeline of qualified leads.

Have you started implementing the new SEO strategy? Do you already use content syndication to supplement SEO? Do you think content syndication can be the new SEO? Lets talk about it in the comments section.


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