How Web Analytics Can Help Generate More Leads

Written by

Vikas Bhatt

How Web Analytics can help generate more Leads

Almost every business, small or big, has a website today.   And, we all, know that good design, structure, and content helps generate more leads. However, many businesses are unaware (or struggling) of how to use web analytics to their advantage.   One thing is clear, website analytics is the key but it can be intimidating at first. They are indeed difficult to make sense of in the beginning.   In this post, we will go over 8 ways web analytics can help generate more quality leads for you.

Analyse your search words

You want to aim for organic traffic. So, look up the keywords that your potential leads are putting in the search engine to find you.   Are they typing in your business name? Are they typing in your product name? What are the phrases generally used? However, most leads, will not find you by business name. They tend to put in words that relate your product or services and that is why it is utmost important to rank for the right keywords and search terms.

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Focus on bounce rate

If your bounce rate is higher than 50%, you need to work on engaging your leads. Bounce rate is the percentage of your visitors that exit your blog without visiting another page. So, it is important to test with different designs and strategies. To reduce bounce rate, you can

  • Put navigation bar on every page for easy searchability
  • Insert videos so they stay on the page for a longer time and engage with your content
  • Pay attention to interlinking content at the right places 

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Optimize popular landing pages

Every 3-4 months, go to your web analytics, see which are the popular pages and optimize them.   You can

  • Put a strong call to actions
  • Insert your lead generation strategy content
  • Ask them to sign up for your newsletter

  Besides this, you can also understand the conversion rate of each landing page. Lets take a look at this report on Google Analytics  

Source: Vertical Measures

You can see that the 5th  landing page has a conversion rate of 4.5% even though it received 463 sessions. However, the 7th landing page received 2004 sessions with a conversion rate of 1%.   With this data, you know that it is better to drive traffic to the 5th landing page and work on optimizing the 7th landing page for better conversion.   If you work on data (like the example above), you will generate more leads in no time.  

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A device used to view your website

Mobile devices are projected to reach 79% of global internet use by the end of 2018  And, hence, it is utmost important to know what devices are used to reach your website. In case, most of your visitors are using mobile, you need to ensure that your entire website is responsive   Did you know that   57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.

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Understand your traffic

As a business, we tend to use as many strategies for building traffic. But, at the same time, it is important that we know which ones are working the best. Is it Facebook, Pinterest, retargeting, content syndication, email marketing etc?   Once you know which ones are driving the maximum traffic, you can divert funds and time towards that. For example, if Facebook is getting you 40% of your traffic, you want to spend more on advertising your product and services on that platform. If email marketing has a higher ROI, you want to expand your campaign reach.   Similarly, you will be informed about referral traffic sources. If you see certain websites sending referral traffic your way, you want to reach out to them and discuss potential partnership or advertising options.  

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Find out which call to actions drive maximum conversion

In order to generate more leads for your business, concentrate on in-page analytics to understand which call to actions is driving maximum conversion.   For example, Google Analytics, lets you see which links on a page are clicked the most. This not only helps you understand where exactly does your visitor leave your page, but it also helps in understand optimized placement for CTAs as well as content for CTAs that work (or don’t)   You can further hone your message, convince your visitors to take an action and generate more leads.  

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Use demographics to understand your audience

While this is one of the most obvious uses of web analytics data to generate B2B leads, we often tend to ignore it. It gives you information about age, gender, technology, geography and segments that are engaged with your business. Based on this data, you can optimize your paid advertising channels for better targeting   Considering you also know where most of your visitors are located, you can also focus on location-specific advertising campaigns  

Funnel conversion rate

This web analytics is grossly underutilized by businesses.   A funnel is a process that takes the visitor through the conversion cycle. The conversion rate is realized by dividing the number of visitors to the page and visitors that have successfully converted.   Based on this data, you can understand what works on the page. If the conversion rate for single step funnel (ones where there is only step involved, for example, contact page to thank you page) is too low, you can reduce no. of exits on the page, redesign the page, decrease no. of fields on the form etc.   There you go.   When taking any marketing decision, analytics is your best friend. It allows you to take steps to generate more leads for your business.   Remember, this is an ongoing process. You will have to constantly use web analytics to improve your website and user experience. The more informed decision you make, the better it is for your business.   Over to you –   Pick up one of the above web analytics and implement changes to your website. If you do that, you will be able to generate more leads over the course of time. It is as simple as that!        

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