Generate More Demand? 6 Things You Are Missing in Website Pop-Ups

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Vikas Bhatt

Generate More Demand 6 Things You Are Missing in Website Pop Ups

Do you have pop-ups on the website with amazing lead magnets but a poor conversion rate?

If you are having this problem, this blog post is exactly what you need right now. Look,

Pop-ups can be tricky. It requires a lot of A/B testing to understand what works for your business, but there is a good news. There are certain best practices and if you follow them, you can see positive results.

If you implement these best practices and tips, you will definitely boost the conversion rate and generate more lead.

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1. Asking for relevant information only

The best way to notice that you have put an irrelevant field in the website pop-up is to put yourself in the shoes of your visitor. Ask yourself –  

  • Are you comfortable and willing to fill in all the details?
  • At any point do you feel that you are giving out too much information for the attached lead magnet?
  • At any point would you decide that the effort of filling up the entire form is not worth it? etc

  Look, filling up long-form pop-up forms is time-consuming and users are known to hate anything that involves additional effort and complicated

So, keep your pop-up simple and ask for only relevant information

Note: It is best to keep the minimum required information to yourself because you want to have a minimum responsibility under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Besides the number of fields, you need to be relevant in your text. Say what needs to be said. The paragraphs and extra information only adds up to the clutter.

A website pop-up isn’t a personal diary or a blog post where you have space to give examples and do storytelling. In a popup, you have a maximum of 15-20 words at your disposal to convince a visitor to sign up.

Source: Bench

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2. The perfect color combination and design

 It is important that your popup is appropriately colored. Meaning, it needs to be eye-catching (not repulsive).   You cannot expect an impressive lead generation ratio if your pop-up is black colored with red text on it. An unappealing website pop up will not interest your users no matter how great the lead magnet is.   And, hence, it is important that we focus on the quality graphics, brand colors, and UI. If you do not have an impressive conversion ratio with your popup, it is time to redesign it and ensure the following  

  • Use colors that either contrast with the background or blend in beautifully (without making it difficult to read)
  • Align the typography of the website pop up with the rest of the website.
  • Have an attractive design and a compelling CTA

   Source: Contently

   Source: Time Ferriss

3. Bad timing to pop up

This is a significant factor to improve the conversion rate of your website pop up.   

Users are known to dismiss any pop-ups that are thrown at them the moment they land on the webpage. They haven’t even had a chance to read the information behind the pop up yet so why would they entertain it?   A pop up needs to pop up (ha!) at the right moment and in accordance with the user behavior.

 Depending on A/B testing, look which of the 3 below works best for your website  

  • Scroll intent popup – This kind of popup comes up after the user scrolls to a certain point in the webpage. A pro tip – ensure that the most valuable information (i.e. the one which alleviates your visitor’s pain point) comes before this popup arrives. If you do this, the visitor will be convinced you can help them with the information and would be more willing to part away with the information.
  • Exit intent pop-up – This type of pop up arises when the user is showing an intent to exit the particular page. For this type of pop up, your webpage needs to be filled with valuable information and give the visitor an incentive to stay longer.
  • Time intent pop-up – The time pop up depends on the user behavior (this can be tracked using behavior tracking tools like Kissmetricsetc). For example, if they have spent 5 minutes on the webpage that can trigger pop up.

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4. Too many pop-ups

A pop-up is used to boost demand generation as well as B2B lead generation.

But, if you are using too many of them, it can have opposite effect and repel the visitors. It is always better to have one targetted pop up than having seven of them popping up one after another.

This gets us to the next point –

5. Untargeted pop-ups

Pop-ups need to be targeted for a specific type of buyer persona (visitor).   

You cannot show a subscriber pop-up to someone who is already a subscriber. Similarly, you cannot ask a visitor looking for website designing to download a whitepaper on the benefits of having an invoicing system. They are unrelated!   Use the data to personalize your pop-up offers. You can also personalize real-time pop-ups that depend on visitors and show him products accordingly. 

6. No urgency

Holidays are around the corner and a timer is a great weapon in your sack.   If your pop-up is about a webinar or a limited time deal, do not forget to include a countdown. It is a psychological hack which is known to create an element of scarcity. When you show your visitors that an offer is a limited one and you cannot access it after a specific time period, they automatically want it more.   

Source: Leesa Mattress   

There you go.   Pop-ups are not bad. While they might have gathered a bad reputation over time due to mismanagement, misuse, and poor implementation; they are becoming a popular tool for lead generation when they are used in the correct manner.   Pop-ups are your golden chance to convert visitors into buyers. Purchases = profit.   Today, website pop-ups are considered a part of the norm. Visitors expect to see offers and pop-ups on every website. Using all of the tips and best practices above tips and suggestions will make you stand out amongst the rest.   What do you think every pop up should include? 

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