Why do Guest Blogging for Content Syndication?

Written by

Vikas Bhatt

Guest Blogging for Content Syndication

There are so many blogs today that it is difficult for a new one to make a place for itself. Not only this, but it is also difficult for your potential customers to find you easily on the search engines owing to the tough competition you have.

But, there is a simple way out and that is – guest blogging for content syndication.

For those of you who are unaware of guest blogging for content syndication, it is the process of publishing content on third party websites or blogs (for example, the Huffington Post, Entrepreneur etc) for exposure.

As you may have already guessed, guest blogging has several enticing benefits and we are going to discuss some today in this post.

So, lets begin – 

1. Build authority and credibility in the market

Statistics from Social Marketing Writing found that 62.96% of people perceive blogs with multiple authors to be more credible.   Hence, there are many popular blogs and websites that accept a guest post from multiple authors. Moreover, there are so many brands, businesses, and blogs online today that readers are careful who to trust. That is why recognizing names and building authority is important!   When your prospective customers start seeing your name on popular websites or blogs, they will start to recognize you and see you as an authority. They will also associate you with the value that was provided in that blog. And, then, when they know about your blog or website, they already have a mental association of value and credibility.

Must Read: Everything you need to know about content syndication

2. Boost visibility and traffic to your business website

If you are a new business ready to launch a blog or a fairly established business thinking of establishing an online presence, we can guarantee you one thing –   How much ever awesome content you write on your blog, not a lot of people will end up reading it ONLY because they will not EVER find your blog.   The one and the only way you can change it QUICKLY is to guest post on popular websites and blogs. They have an established audience (sometimes in hundreds and thousands of visitors) and when they read your article, they might end up going to your website looking for more information. While the probability of clicking seems low at first, but even a small conversion of 5% of 100000 visitors will leave you with 5000 new leads. Get it? *winks*   Pro tip: Target websites in your niche or blogs that have an audience similar to yours. If you guest post on websites that have an audience interested in what you have to offer, the conversion rate will be higher than just 5%.   

If you want to get the ball rolling faster, you can embed highly shareable content into your blog post. According to Search Engine Journal, infographics, for example, can help you get 3x more engagement in social media than any other type of content.


Must Read: 10 Content Syndication Platforms You Should Know

3. Search engine optimization and link juice benefits

Guest blogging for content syndication has many benefits, but our favorite is the benefit of the link juice on page rankings.   As we discussed before, it is important to get traffic and new audience (especially, potential buyers) to your website.   And, the best and the most stable way of doing it is to rank higher on search engines. When you guest post for content syndication on a popular website, you get to link back to your website or a specific blog post. Search Engines, especially Google, consider that as an indication that your website is authoritative and hosts quality content.   What happens next? It starts to rank your page higher for certain keywords and you attract tonnes of organic traffic. The more links you have from popular websites or blogs pointing back to your website, the chances of your ranking in the first 10 results (page 1) is higher.

4. Boost demand generation

Guest blogging for content syndication is a known tool for demand generation.   Not only do you gain a new audience and subscribers, but you will also get credibility and authority as a brand. These are essential items to generate more demand in the market and boost lead generation.

5. Connect with influencers easily

There was a time connecting with influencers was really difficult. But, not anymore!   Guest blogging for content syndication is an excellent way to connect with the right people. Its advantage of connecting with editors, writers, and bloggers cannot be denied by anyone who knows the internet world.   It not only offers you the benefits we have discussed till now, but it also allows you to connect with influencers, explore opportunities to collaborate and take your business ahead in the game.   Besides this, if influencers share your website or blog with their followers, it will have a huge impact on your traffic, subscribers as well as social media following.   There you go.   Most bloggers and business owners with a strong online presence will agree to these points. Guest blogging for content syndication is, without a doubt, a crucial online marketing tool for success.   For better results, do not forget to optimize your blog post with keywords, links, and other relevant elements that boost conversion.   If you don’t believe in any of these points stated above, comment below and let us know why do you think otherwise? We would love to hear from you!


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