Best Social Media to generate B2B Leads FB vs Tw vs LN Tips from 8 Experts

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Vikas Bhatt

Social Media to generate B2B Leads

1. Allen Yesilevich

When comparing social media channels, LinkedIn, followed by Twitter has resulted in the most qualified leads (Sales qualified or Marketing qualified). With 500 million users on LinkedIn alone, the ability to pinpoint our buyers with granularity has given us the best opportunity to engage with our target audience. Twitter is primarily used for brand building and thought leadership awareness, which in my opinion, aids in our efforts to identify leads on LinkedIn. 

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2. Anne Janzer

Focus on the quality of the leads and the possibility of an ongoing relationship rather than raw lead generation numbers. Choose the social media platform that connects with the people who are most likely to become loyal customers of your business (the best quality leads), and helps you sustain those relationships after the initial purchase.   For that reason, Id vote for LinkedIn or Facebook groups, depending on your buyers. Yes, building community on these platforms takes more work and time than simply blasting out tweets, but in the long run, its better for your business. 

3. Rick Whittington

Sure, my tip is this: Your website should give people multiple “”tripwires”” for conversion. That might be a checklist, a webinar, a video training series, a template or a reference sheet. Don’t just rely on your “”contact us”” page, because people know if they fill out a form on that page, they will be hounded by salespeople. Warm them up to your company by finding other ways to convert them.

4. Glen Lipka

I’ve never done a test or a study on that subject. I don’t use Facebook because it’s a cesspool of fake news and people I don’t really care about. I don’t use Twitter because it is filled with Bots and conversations there devolve into nonsense pretty quickly. I use LinkedIn to network with my professional groups because LinkedIn is a monopoly for this sort of thing. I don’t read the feed very much at all tho. I find it annoying when people get in touch with me for sales.   I’m a much bigger fan of double-opt-in permission content marketing, inbound marketing, and event marketing to generate leads than by annoying people on social networks. Not because it’s more effective, but because I personally don’t want people bothering me. Some friends of mine maintain a “”Hall of Shame”” from emails and messages from lame salespeople who don’t do any research and are just flooding the market with nonsense messages. If you really want to general more leads, then make a better product. It a huge marketing advantage when your system is objectively better than the competitions.

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5. Rachel Kavanagh

Rachel Kavanagh has coached hundreds of clients, including top firms, on marketing strategy, demand generation and automation. She was part of the successful start-up at Marketo, is a speaker, and contributes content to various publications. She has an MBA from ESADE business school and worked at large multinationals such as General Electric. “”The wonderful thing about lead generation in today’s environment is that you have all of the data to learn whats working. I always start by looking at two distinct groups. Who are my highest lifetime value customers? And what are the highest converting segments? Then depending on what my strategy is, I can invest in what I need the most. It may make the most sense to chase those I know are the right customers and put most of my budget into the longer term. Or I may need some leads to grow the brand and continue to discover my market. When you establish who you want to attract, you can make the decision where to find them. Facebook and Twitter will even tell you how many users they have in your market. Both will allow you to mimic your competitors and target to a granular level. Key factors include the industry, the function, and the age-group of your audience. I recently attended Gary Vees event in London, arguably the best social marketer in the world. He said that “”Facebook and Instagram are STILL #underpricedattention until #B2B and Corporates wake up€. Brands need to become publishers. Instead of posting in the Wall street journal, they need to become it. This is across all channels and Twitter is included. The untapped opportunity, however, is Facebook.

6. Steven Macdonald

In my experience, the best social media platform to generate B2B leads is LinkedIn. For SuperOffice, LinkedIn has driven 4x more B2B leads than Facebook and 10x more B2B leads than Twitter, even though we have fewer followers on LinkedIn. You wont be successful on LinkedIn if you only share posts inviting people to take a free demo of your product or run a text ad promoting your free trial offering. With LinkedIn, you need to provide value. We provide value by sharing blog posts, articles, white papers and guides with our network and then optimize those landing pages to convert as many social media visitors as we can. Again, this works well on LinkedIn, rather than on Twitter and Facebook as conversion rates on LinkedIn are 2-3 times higher than any other social media network.

7. Stephen Houraghan

Linked is the B2B king without question. But think of the approach on the platform the way brands are required to approach their consumers today. It’s no longer one-way broadcast communication. An audience will see a brand 6-8 times before they are prepared to engage. Do your research, find their groups, comment on their posts and have an opinion on what they’re interested in, or better, what issues they have. Study their language, do they use jargon? are they overly formal or conversational in their engagement? We all know you don’t send a copy past email to the masses. That’s the basics. But be authentic, tell them why you’re approaching them rather than saying “”I just came across your profile””. People appreciate honesty. Be as raw as you can be (while still being professional). 100 raw messages will get more bites than the “”I just came across your profile”” message.

8. Vikas Bhatt

With 10+ years of B2B Lead Generation, Vikas Bhatt now runs OnlyB2B, a reputed B2B Demand and Lead Generation company from India that serves most European nations, the US, Mexico, and Canada. Vikas is a renowned Demand Generation expert, motivational speaker, and a B2B entrepreneur.

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